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Free construction project schedule template and tips

There are many moving parts to construction job management, so it’s crucial to have a construction project schedule that keeps your business on track and profitable.

From organizing contractors, to equipment and construction materials, a structured scheduling system is the blueprint for a successful construction job. But construction project scheduling requires time and energy. You want to make sure that the schedules you create are accurate and save you time to avoid profit loss due to scheduling miscalculations.

Keep reading to find out how you can create accurate, money-saving schedules with construction project scheduling software.

Construction scheduling basics

There are many aspects that go into construction projects, including:

  • The date and time frame to complete the project.
  • The equipment, and building materials needed.
  • The availability and skill set of the contractor. 

The construction project schedule takes into consideration all these project tasks and details how the job is expected to be completed.

What is a construction schedule?

A construction project schedule is an outline of every task and the duration of each task for a project. It is an essential part of the project planning stage and is needed for outlining resources and assigning contractors for each project task.

Why are construction schedules important?

Construction projects are complex and require strict budgets in order to stay profitable. That is why a construction project schedule is important for the success of a construction company. 

For each day that a construction project is delayed, profits are lost. With a structured schedule, you can avoid costly delays and have projects run as smoothly as possible. 

5 steps to make a construction project schedule

1. Collect the relevant information

There is a lot of information that you need to know about a construction project before you put anything into your construction project schedule. 

Before scheduling, make sure you have the following information:

  • The number of subcontractors that are going to be involved in the job.
  • How long it will take for materials to be ready for the start date of the project.
  • Equipment and tools needed to complete the job and purchasing of any new resources.
  • A list of inspections and requirements needed throughout the project from your local code office. 
  • Communication with your bank to know when funds will be released for each individual task. 

Along with the above, you should also choose a construction project schedule template that will help you organize the project information. Keep reading to find out how you can get a free template. 

2. Prioritize tasks

Now that you have the information you need to start the construction project, it’s time to break down the big project into smaller tasks. Keeping your task list clear and detailed will help you keep your construction project schedule as accurate as possible. 

A lot of project tasks are dependent on others so make sure you give realistic timelines for each task so your entire project doesn’t get derailed. 

3. Estimate task duration

Your tasks now need a start and finish date. Having a clear start and end date for each task will help you manage resources, schedule staff, and plan other projects. 

To determine the duration for each unique project task, take a look at past projects and how long they took. Be sure to keep weather and climate conditions in mind as that can impact how long certain tasks take. 

Lastly, don’t forget to factor in your employee’s sick days, vacation days, and holidays. Add some time for any last-minute staff scheduling changes so you can be prepared. 

4. Assign your crew

With any sized project, but especially bigger construction projects, it’s tough to keep track of every employee and subcontractor. Whether you’re using an excel template or construction project scheduling software, it’s important to rely on a few team members for a time-consuming project.

Create a balance for your team and assign people based on their skillset and available hours, while keeping workload in mind to make sure you don’t overwhelm your staff. 

5. Review, then review again

Scheduling construction projects is complex and needs constant monitoring. A construction project schedule is also never set in stone, at least not one that will succeed. Changes happen, and if you aren’t consistently reviewing your schedule throughout the job, those changes will derail the entire project.

You’ll need to check your schedule during all stages of the project to make sure that you are always a step ahead. 

What to include in your construction schedule template

When it comes to the essential information you need for a construction project, the following items should be on every project schedule:

  • Tasklist: Prioritize tasks based on which ones are dependent on others and the skill set of your available employees. 
  • Duration:The duration of each individual task will change but it’s important to have a blueprint to reference and work around.
  • Start and end date:Having a clear start and end date will help with an estimation as well as scheduling staff, getting equipment, and buying materials. 
  • Task status:It’s crucial to constantly be reviewing your construction project schedule and that includes the status of each task.
  • Workers assigned to the project:Make sure you have a good understanding of what your entire team is able to do for each project. This includes their time-off requests and also possible sick days.

Tips for creating a construction project schedule

Prioritize and manage your project pipeline

One of the most important parts of construction project management is prioritizing tasks as efficiently as possible. In most cases, each task depends on the previous task’s successful completion. Focus on prioritizing each task accordingly and you will have the best chance of successfully scheduling projects one after another. 

Start work on your next construction project plan ASAP

For any successful construction company, new projects are always come up. It’s best to schedule them as soon as possible even if you already have a lot of other projects scheduled. This lets you plan ahead and avoid any serious delays in finishing the project. 

Choose a construction scheduling tool

Construction scheduling is one of the most challenging aspects of any construction project. From tools and materials to staffing hours, there are many details in each project to track. Having a good scheduling template or a scheduling software for construction crews can make all the dif­ference and get you to your completed deadlines.

With that in mind, if you’re looking for tools that let you create customizable, automated schedules, then a construction project scheduling software like Method:Field Services will help. You’ll save time on every unique project so you can focus on marketing efforts and gain more clients for future projects.

Free construction schedule template

Use this free construction project schedule template to get started with organizing your construction projects. This template has all the required form fields so you won’t miss any important details in your schedule. 

The takeaway: Construction schedules organize your business

Now that you know what to put into your project management schedule, you have the knowledge to organize your construction projects in a way that will best support your success. 

Consider the following project management tools and tips when organizing your construction project schedule:

  • Grasp a better understanding of your employee’s schedules by color-coding their hours worked on each task.
  • Highlight the latest and earliest project completion time to have the most realistic schedule.
  • Block out time in your day to check your project schedules and rework any delays.
  • Use project management tools in software like Method:Field Services to automate scheduling and save yourself hours in your workday.

Transform your scheduling process today with a Method:Field Services demo.

Image credit: Boonchok via Adobe Stock

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