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The top 25 lead generation strategies to set your sales up for success

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Lead generation is building a list of prospective customers that could one day become actual buyers — and it all starts with the right strategy.

Nowadays, managing your time and keeping track of every single contact can make or break a sale. So, whether you’re running email campaigns or posting digital content, you need to have a clear plan to capture (and then nurture) those leads. 

The more organized your approach, the better your chances of guiding those leads straight through the funnel and onto a sale.

Keep reading for 25 lead generation strategies that will set you up for success.

What are lead generation strategies?

Lead generation strategies are the tactics you use to attract potential customers (your target audience) and turn them into high-quality leads (the kind that are ready to buy).

Think of these strategies as the process of navigating the sales funnel, from grabbing attention to closing the sale. They are usually only possible with a unified approach. Your marketing team draws them in, and your sales team gets them signed on the dotted line.

When both teams are working together in harmony, those leads have a much smoother journey through the sales funnel, setting you up for success.

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Your top 25 lead generation strategies to ensure conversions

Here are 25 of the best lead generation strategies to help you turn a “maybe” into a handshake:

1. Create quality content across several mediums

Your target audience craves valuable content, and that means mixing it up. Sticking to one medium or one type of campaign gets boring very quickly. For example, instead of pushing out blog post after blog post, you could also create infographics or tutorial videos.

The more variety in your content, the more likely you’ll capture a wider scope of leads. Using different medium types lets you appeal to different engagement styles. The result? You’ll build trust and see engagement soar.

2. Lean on your website and optimize for SEO

Your website isn’t just there for show or for the occasional hit on the “Contact us” button — it’s your 24/7 salesperson, a hub for marketing materials, and a source of truth for potential and existing customers. 

Naturally, you’re going to want to drive as much traffic to it as possible, and you do so by emphasizing a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for your site. 

Create personalized landing pages for each of your buyer personas, and make it easy for visitors to know how to take the next step by adding clear calls to action (CTAs).

3. Use digital lead generation forms across your content

Whether it’s on blogs, videos, landing pages, or other site content, you can strategically embed smart lead forms in all your valuable content. These digital forms, known as web-to-lead forms, capture contact information like email addresses from customers when they’re most engaged. See an example below.

Method CRM Lead Gen Form

From there, you can send personalized email campaigns to the leads your website automatically captures. 

4. Publish and promote case studies

Don’t just tell — show. Your buyer success stories are one of the best ways to convert potential leads by showing what’s possible should they choose you.

Share these on your website and across your social media platforms to build up trust and credibility. For an example of a case study, check out this Method customer story.

5. Create an email marketing strategy

While we now see lots of paid digital marketing strategies like influencer marketing and pay-per-click ads spammed across Google, guess what? Email newsletters and marketing still work. 

In fact, email marketing attracts an ROI of $36 for every $1 spent. Sounds good, right?

Segment your audience and send targeted messages to really create and convert qualified leads.

6. Conduct paid advertising through PPC (pay-per-click) ads

Speaking of pay-per-click (PPC) ads, these are one of the fastest ways to get your message in front of your target audience. 

PPC ads generate traffic quickly and reliably. And best of all, you only pay if someone actually clicks. This means, unlike many marketing strategies, you’re not wasting precious budget on the gaze of uninterested eyes. 

The most common types of PPC ads include:

  • Search ads that appear on search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Display ads shown on websites.
  • Social media ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

7. Leverage social media

Remember that old saying, “If it’s free, then you’re the product”? Well, with social media platforms, users who share everything about their lives — from holiday plans to pictures of their food  — are the product. You can tap into their feeds with information on what you offer and convert them from visitors into leads.

As you already know so much about your potential customers, social media is the ultimate goldmine for reaching your ideal customer profile (ICP). 

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok let you showcase images and stories, and connect directly with your buyer persona. So post those insights, behind-the-scenes moments, and success stories to keep customers engaged. Not to mention, you can leverage paid ads on most platforms too.

8. Organize webinars to capture new leads

Want an opportunity to showcase your business and engage prospective customers? Webinars are the way to go. 

A webinar is an interactive online seminar or presentation that lets participants engage with the host and content in real time through videoconferencing technology. This means you can build trust and answer questions on the spot.

Webinars let you share valuable content and, most importantly, collect those contact details for qualified lead follow-ups. 

9. Host or attend events

Whether in person or online, industry events are filled with opportunities to connect with people who are likely to become new potential customers. You can even host your own events.

Networking in a space that is full of like-minded businesses and individuals helps your business build trust and show off its products — all of which are bound to generate some high-quality leads. 

10. Develop a referral program

Your salespeople are the best at selling your products or services, but coming in a close second are your happy customers. 

Encourage your customers (and employees) to refer others to your business and offer rewards like discounts and freebies for some extra motivation. 

It’s much cheaper than traditional marketing and will have a snowball effect of new potential leads coming your way in no time.

11. Employ a video marketing strategy

Your potential customers are more likely to engage with an exciting video than a huge wall of text. This is a chance for your marketing team to start getting creative with storytelling, fancy graphics, and of course some strategically placed CTAs for customer interaction.

The key to generating leads with videos is to keep them short, ideally between 15 and 30 seconds. In fact, 44% of consumers prefer to learn about products from short videos.

12. Use AI and automation tools

Do you want to save time and still nurture leads to the same degree as with manual marketing? AI and lead automation tools like Method CRM, OptinMonster, and Leadfeeder use generation techniques like automated follow-ups and email campaigns to do the heavy marketing and sales processes for you. 

So, not only do you bring in leads without additional effort, but you also get time back in your day to focus on other areas of your business.

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13. Run retargeting and remarketing campaigns

It’s a sad fact of marketing that not every visitor converts the first time. The good news is that retargeting and remarketing can bring them back.

It’s important to distinguish between these two marketing terms:

  • Retargeting: Typically refers to serving targeted ads to users who have previously interacted with your website or brand. It primarily uses display ads on third-party websites to reach these users as they browse the internet.
  • Remarketing: Generally involves re-engaging existing customers or leads through direct communication channels like email. It focuses on nurturing relationships with people who have already interacted with your brand, often using personalized messaging based on their previous interactions.

These campaigns should target potential leads who have shown at least some interest, giving you another chance to win them over. 

14. Put on contests or giveaways

There’s one universal constant in business, and that’s that everyone loves free stuff. But giveaways shouldn’t be thought of as giving away your products (although that is definitely a part of it), but as getting some high-quality leads in return. 

Run giveaways that actually encourage engagement with your brand specifically, and make sure that all participants leave behind their contact details. It’s a win-win scenario: they get free stuff, and you get a shiny new list of leads.

15. Leverage CRM and sales data

Your customer relationship management (CRM) system is so much more than a glorified contacts list. It’s a source of truth for insights into your current customers. With a CRM, you can track every touchpoint, interaction, and transaction for all your contacts — whether they’re leads, customers, or vendors.

Analyze those sales statistics in your CRM and use the results to inform marketing decisions, like tailoring campaigns to diffent lead segments. Tools like Method let you quickly and easily:

  • Track every opportunity.
  • Create estimates and invoices.
  • Convert leads to Quickbooks as soon as they become paying customers.

Learn more about Method CRM in the video below.

16. Cold outreach (email and calling)

Believe it or not, cold outreach, whether by phone or through email, is still alive and kicking. Sure, conversion rates can be low (to the tune of 2%), but with the right script and some solid persistence, it can create a domino effect of incoming leads.

When combined with follow-ups, cold calling is still a great strategy for sales reps.

17. Influencer marketing

Influencers are individuals on social media with influence over a large audience, and digital natives and Gen Z absolutely trust them — in some cases even more than celebrity endorsements

If you partner with the right influencer, you’re likely to connect with prospective customers you might not even know you had. Influencers can: 

  • Introduce your brand.
  • Build credibility.
  • Ultimately drive purchases. 

18. Establish authority, expertise, and trust

Everyone knows that people buy from brands they trust — but what is the best way to build that trust?

Other than offering a standout product or service, one of your first tasks when establishing trust is to consistently deliver valuable content that is backed by original research and real testimonials. 

Keep your promises, and you’ll start to build long-lasting relationships with high-quality leads.

19. Network online and in person

Networking with fellow professionals in your field is still one of the best lead-generation techniques

Networks give your business an opportunity to have genuine conversations with both your target audience and big industry peers. Those relationships, if nurtured well, often lead to valuable business opportunities down the road.

20. Look at your competitors

It never hurts to analyze your competitors’ lead generation strategies to see what is and isn’t working for them. Study their tactics, uncover the gaps, and slot your business in to provide a better solution. 

21. Offer incentives

As we mentioned earlier, people love free stuff. But what if your product can’t really be given away for free? If your business is online, you can always offer free trials and demos or bundle in some free tools with your platform.

It’s the next best thing to free — try before you buy — and customers just love it and get hungry for more. Some other incentives you can offer include:

  • Promo codes.
  • Annual or bulk discounts.
  • Free consultations.

Incentives are the perfect way to get a hesitant customer off the fence and into your sales funnel.

22. Keep your messaging and positioning consistent

Your target audience should always know exactly what you’re about, so mixed messages are a big no-no. Keep it simple, keep it clear, and most of all, keep it consistent across your entire sales process.

Confusion is costly, but consistency? That’s how cold leads turn hot.

23. Create lead magnets

Sometimes, you have to give something to get something. Lead magnets like free guides, exclusive templates, or video tutorials can be irresistible bait for getting contact details. 

Start publishing these kinds of materials and you’ll see your email list grow faster than weeds on a warm spring day. Once you have their info, you can nurture them into those highly coveted qualified leads through targeted email campaigns. 

24. Try direct mail

Snail mail still works, and in a world full of cluttered inboxes and easily accessible unsubscribe buttons, a targeted, well-thought-out piece of physical mail is surprisingly fresh.

Reach out to prospective customers with something that they can hold in their hand and make them stop and take notice. It’s personal, tangible, and it’s much harder to ignore than an email.

25. Test and evolve your tactics

Just like everything in marketing, lead generation isn’t “set it and forget it.” Your marketing and sales team should constantly evaluate what worked and what didn’t (hint: software is great for this) and tweak their approach accordingly.

So, keep on evolving. Whether it’s new-generation techniques or fresh tactics dreamt up through an employee advocacy program, you must always keep your lead game sharp.

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Lead generation strategies FAQs

What are the top lead generation tools?

Good lead generation comes from automated CRM and marketing tools like Method CRM for follow-ups and tracking leads, OptinMonster for lead capture through smart forms, and Leadfeeder for catching website visits. 

What are the differences between inbound and outbound lead generation?

Inbound lead generation is focused on attracting leads through content posting, SEO, and social media — in other words, letting them come to you.

Outbound lead generation involves actively reaching out to potential customers through methods such as email campaigns, cold calling, and pay-per-click ads.

One key difference between the two is that inbound leads are often softer and more long-term, whereas outbound leads are more direct and yield much quicker results.

How do I measure the success of my lead generation strategies?

Success can be measured via: 

  • Conversion rates.
  • Number of leads generated.
  • The quality of those leads (high-value vs. low-value).

Conversion rates are the percentage of leads that end up turning into paying customers.

Your number of leads generated tracks how many potential customers your business has attracted over a specific amount of time.

Quality of leads identifies high-value leads – or the leads that are likely to convert, vs. low-value leads – or the leads that have gone cold and are unlikely to get anywhere near a sale.  

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